Our Vision

We believe that sustainable consumption is only possible in circular processes.

This means recycling and reusing, as it means the use of natural, composting materials - a circular process in which we borrow from nature, use, and then reintegrate seamlessly.

We believe that the use of leaves will be a part of our future, as it has been for thousands of generations before us. We have adopted the human tradition of using leaves as a part of our daily lives and have transformed it into (Palm) Leaf 2.0. Beautiful and sustainable leaves for modern living.

Leaves will carry and deliver our food, package our products and substitute all kinds of plastic fast-moving consumer goods that presently pollute our world.

Produced by nature, leaves are the only natively* carbon neutral and emission free material for disposables. Beautiful and ready to be reshaped with good karma into usable products for our modern needs.

They were simply waiting to be retaken into the economy of tomorrow.

Until now.

*Natively carbon neutral and not through offsetting

Our Mission

We want to be the driving force & principal supplier of innovative leaf-products in the world!

  • Because each leaf that is sold is one piece of plastic less that will hang around for thousands of years.
  • Because each leaf that we make available for our modern lifestyle is a tactile connection to nature – bringing her beauty into our urban lives.
  • Because each leaf used is an investment from urban spaces into rural communities.

With know-how, process management, agility, social engagement and much experience, we are the bridge between the world of modern industry and fair leaf manufacturing.

Understanding both sides, we want LEEF to be the platform and go to address for any leaf-based solution in the modern world - be it the market access for manufacturers or sourcing for industrial needs.

Inventing the best products and applications for our client needs is part of our mission, as it is the development of circular production processes to protect nature and humanity.

Our mission is to bring the beauty of our leaves to you, ensure reliability of service and constantly drive for innovation.

We achieve this through respect, fairness, cooperation, and backbone.

Because this is how we want our future to be.

Please understand that we are only publishing our vision and mission in English. We are an international company that unites under a single vision and we would like to avoid confusion through mistranslation.

About LEEF

"We can't change society, but we can change the products it uses."

Under this credo, we - a Berlin-based company called LEEF - have gone into battle against the ever-growing consumption of single-use plastic products. Our constantly growing team around managing director Claudio Vietta is a motley bunch from the most diverse professional fields. We all have one thing in common: the environment is close to our hearts and we want to contribute to making the world a better place for future generations. For this reason, we turned our backs on our jobs in the conventional economy and looked for a vocation with more meaning. We found it at LEEF and since then, we have been working every day to make the waste mountains of this world a little smaller. In doing so, we always act professionally, but never lose sight of fun.

Since a crowdfunding campaign in 2013 which helped us transport the first containers of palm leaf plates from India to Germany, we have securely established ourselves on the market and now offer Europe’s broadest palm leaf product portfolio – a portfolio which keeps growing.

Our team is specialized in palm leaf like no other. As a result, we have already managed to work our way up to become one of the leading suppliers of palm leaf in the catering sector in Germany. Due to the growing awareness of the consumer society and the trend towards more sustainability, the demand for compostable alternatives to plastic tableware is increasing. This is where we come in and offer our customers the opportunity to make the world a little bit better, one plate at a time...

We not only eliminate plastic waste, but we also protect endangered rainforests for future generations. Through our LEEF unlimited business, we sell plates and bowls with rainforest protection. With every plate sold, one square metre of rainforest is protected and saved from clearing in the long term.
In addition, we run the non-profit project "LEEF Events" through which we equip events up to large festivals with our palm leaf dishes including rainforest protection for no profit. In this way, we preserve vital forest and close the loop to preserve the natural supply of palm leaf. Plate for plate. Unlimited.

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